Hire trip sitter trip coach or trip therapist?
What does a tripsitter normally? Is it just some kind of babysitting? Still, it sounds tripsitter not covering what we do.Indeed, during sessions with therapeutic purpose, we have a different role than if we just need to keep an eye on a trip for just the experience. In trip therapy, then, we prefer to call ourselves the trip facilitator rather than tripsitter. Whatever you call us, on this page you can see who is available when.
Availability of tripsitter Marcel
Check the availability of Marcel.
Availability Loes
Check the availability of Loes.
Booking a session
When you want to hire us as tripsitter or for psychedelic therapy Then we first ask you to fill out the intake. Based on the intake we can assess whether the use of psychedelics is suitable for you and what dosage might suit you. During the intake you can also indicate your wishes. After finally booking a session, further advice is given based on the intake. Thus, sessions are more successful through proper preparation.