MDMA analogue ban

If it were up to the government, all analogues of MDMA would be banned, including the psychedelic therapy with MDMA analogue. The House of Representatives had approved a law that would make all these analogues of MDMA, but also other types of drugs, illegal. However, the smart ones in our outgoing cabinet did not realize that this law would also ban other 'innocent' substances such as aspartame. Due to this error, the law can go back to the drawing board and the MDMA sessions continue for the time being.

How MDMA (analogue) works

The effects of MDMA analogs can vary depending on the specific type and dosage. The one we used MDMA analogue especially provides the empathogenic effects. This means a chance of euphoria, improved empathy and a safe feeling, which will make the therapy go better.

Private or group therapy

Individual psychedelic session with MDMA and group therapy can both provide benefits, but they differ in the way they are experienced and the goals they pursue.
Individual MDMA sessions offer a personal and intimate experience, where you receive the full attention and guidance of your chosen therapist. This can be beneficial if you want to explore deeper personal issues such as trauma, anxiety or depression. During an individual session you can connect with yourself and your emotions on a deeper level, giving you the opportunity to experience profound insights and healing.
Group therapy with MDMA, on the other hand, offers the opportunity to connect with others who are experiencing similar challenges. It can provide a sense of community and support as you can share and learn from the experiences of others. Group sessions can also help develop empathy and improve social skills.