Our services continue

It is precisely during this time that our services are needed more than ever. We will therefore continue with our services while also following the rules of the Corona policy. Which services will continue can be read below.

Symptoms of COVID-19

Firstly, appointments can only take place if the supervisor and participant do not show any symptoms that could indicate a Corona virus infection. It concerns the following complaints.

  • Fever 
  • Respiratory complaints such as coughing
  • Cold
  • To sneeze
  • shortness of breath
  • Nasal cold
  • Running nose
  • To sneeze
  • A sore throat
  • Mild cough
  • Elevation (up to 38 degrees)

Group size limitation

The maximum number of attendees during our sessions is limited to the number that the Corona policy prescribes. This means a maximum amount of attendees of currently 3 people. At home sessions, people from the same household may be present.


A curfew is currently in place from 9:00 PM to 4:30 AM. The sessions we do at home currently have to start a little earlier so that there is room for a little extension and travel time to be back on time. At the sessions in the Psychedelic Loft in Schiedam, overnight stays are possible and the starting time is less relevant.

Be healthy

In addition to preventing a virus infection, a healthy immune system is the most powerful means of not getting sick. Below we give tips on how to strengthen the immune system against viruses.

Prevention of contamination

Preventing an infection only seems to be possible for the time being, unless you isolate yourself on an uninhabited island for a very long time. By delaying infection, you increase the chance that a drug will become available that could help you. These are the practical things you could do to lower the risk of infection.

  • Wash hands and wrists regularly
  • Don't go to places with people unnecessarily
  • Do not apply products to your body that can cause inflammation or allergic reactions.
  • Do not use perfumed items such as deodorants and detergents
  • Do not eat any of the known allergens
  • Wear the right face masks in public situations
  • Quit smoking and avoid breathing polluted air
  • Breathe through the nose and clean it with a non-irritating rinse after contact with potentially infected air

Prevent inflammation

We must prevent inflammation in order to spare our immune system for the Corona threat. There are multiple sources that can cause inflammation. Stress also indirectly causes extra inflammation. So avoid all forms of stress. Below you will find an overview of things that you should avoid now to spare the immune system.

Prevent all these things to have more resistance to diseases.

Vitamin D and quercetin against Corona

Quercetin is a virus inhibitor and is found in dill, capers, coriander, red onion, watercress, buckwheat, kale, apples, cranberries, sweet potatoes and blueberries, among other things. Studies are currently underway in which quercetin and vitamin D are used to inhibit viruses. Combining these two substances could just help even better. We make vitamin D in the sun through exposure to UV light (moderate). At the moment the sun's strength is too low and you can take vitamin D as a supplement or by eating trout, salmon, mackerel or egg.

Anti-inflammatory nutrition

We can support our immune system by eating the right food. It is very important not to eat inflammatory foods. You should therefore really avoid all foods to which you are allergic, especially now. The things you can eat have anti-inflammatory effects. The following diet is titled "the anti-depression diet" but is fully applicable to prevent inflammation so that Corona can be better absorbed by our unburdened immune system.

Read more here the anti depression diet

Mushrooms against Corona

We often talk about the magic mushrooms with psilocybin, but this time it is about the edible mushroom Shiitake. Shiitake mushrooms contain beta-glucans, including AHCC, which increase the amount of interferon gamma in the lungs. Interferon-gamma is an inflammatory protein that activates the immune system in a way that inhibits viral infection, but protects the membranes/cells in the lungs. AHCC activates the Natural Killer Cells, Natural Killer T-cells and gamma-delta T-cells of the immune system, so that we are already better prepared for a possible infection.

Although the effect of AHCC on COVID-19 has not yet been studied, supplementation with AHCC when infected with multiple viruses similar to COVID-19 virus has been shown to be effective in reducing the mortality of laboratory animals and humans. Animal studies have shown that AHCC is effective against these viruses.

  • Influenza virus
  • HPV virus
  • bird flu virus
  • Herpes virus
  • West Nile virus
Shiitake, another medicinal mushroom

What else can you do?

The following vitamins, minerals or supplements can help. The more you can add to your daily intake, the better. Follow the labels of the supplements and seek professional advice if necessary.

Membrane immune system Antiviral
Glutathione (Liposomal)
Pine bark
Vitamin A
Vitamin B3
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E (Tocotrientols)

Aromatherapy against viruses

The essential oils that you spread in the air with a diffuser enter the mucous membranes and lungs when inhaled. The medicinal effect can then take place here, after which the body absorbs the substances and can release its effect in other places. Since Corona endangers the airways, aromatherapy can offer a solution because it has a local effect in the beginning. Please note that you never damage the lungs with too many foreign substances and that you never provoke allergic reactions (especially not with a Corona infection).

The following essential oils have antiviral properties.

  • Lemon
  • Eucalyptus
  • Clove
  • Tea tree
  • Thyme

Better sleep against viruses

Good sleep has a positive effect on the immune system and on the recovery of the body. Read the following blog for more information on how to improve sleep with natural remedies.

Sleep better with natural remedies

This post on MDMA therapy was taken from trip therapy

Trip therapy: Psychedelic sessions and Corona measures