MDMA therapy in Australia
As of July 1, MDMA-assisted psychotherapy is a mainstream mental health treatment in Australia. This means that patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) who do not respond to standard treatments can now qualify for this treatment as part of psychiatric care. In this treatment, patients receive MDMA under the supervision of a trained therapist. The goal is to use the therapeutic effects of MDMA to enhance therapy and help patients process and integrate emotions. Research has shown that this treatment may be promising in the treatment of PTSD. This step in regulating MDMA therapy shows that scientists and regulators are beginning to appreciate the potentially beneficial aspects of this substance.

Australia as the first sheep?
Australia is the first country to approve MDMA-assisted therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This breakthrough follows decades of research into the safety and effectiveness of MDMA as a treatment for PTSD. Although the results are promising, many countries are still holding off. This is because of MDMA's illegal status and uncertainty about its long-term health effects. Moreover, many scientific studies are still ongoing in other countries to confirm the effectiveness of MDMA therapy. Nevertheless, Australia's success in legalizing MDMA therapy may now encourage other countries to adopt similar measures if results in Australia remain positive. Thus, Australia may be the first shelf to jump the dam.
Wasn't the Netherlands earlier?
In the Netherlands, psychedelic sessions with MDMA or similar substances were offered before the legalization in Australia. Yet in the Netherlands, MDMA is not classified as a medicine but as a drug that is on list 1 of the opium law. Although the Netherlands has more expertise in psychedelic sessions, Australia is the first country to give MDMA therapy legal status whereby an MDMA session can be prescribed to treat PTSD.
Legal MDMA therapy in the Netherlands
In the Netherlands, MDMA therapy is not part of mainstream care and possession of MDMA is punishable by law. An MDMA session is not seen as a medical treatment, but as a coaching session under the influence of a substance similar to MDMA. So the term MDMA therapy in the Netherlands refers to an MDMA analog session, which is not reimbursed by health insurance companies. Read more about these legal MDMA sessions via the button.
MDMA therapy in 2025 a regeared treatment?
The Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport recently authorized a clinical trial of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy in the Netherlands. If the results of this trial are successful, MDMA therapy is expected to become a regular treatment in the Netherlands by 2025. This could mean that people with anxiety symptoms or PTSD will have a new and more effective treatment option that will be (partially) reimbursed by health insurance companies. Until then, no reimbursement is possible and the costs for guidance to an MDMA session, the session itself and integration are around 700 euros. Most people need 1, 2 or 3 sessions to achieve the desired results.
Signing up for an MDMA session
MDMA therapy can be very helpful in treating certain mental disorders. However, not everyone can receive MDMA do session. There are certain physical and psychological conditions that may constitute contraindications and therefore an intake procedure must be followed. By completing the intake via the button below, we will get crucial information about your health and medical history. This helps us determine if it is safe and appropriate for you to undergo an MDMA session. If it turns out that there are contraindications, we will advise you to consider other therapies. Completing the intake helps us provide the best possible treatment to suit your individual needs and minimize any risks.